Fraser’s Boiler Liquidating Trust

Fraser’s Boiler Liquidating Trust

The Fraser’s Boiler Liquidating Trust was established by the Fifth Amended Plan of Reorganization under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code of Fraser’s Boiler Service, Inc. (“FBS”) which was confirmed on December 2, 2020 and which became effective upon the execution of the FBS Liquidating Trust Agreement as of December 17, 2020. The Fraser’s Boiler Liquidating Trust Amended Claim Valuation Process (the “CVP”) provides a process for resolving all Potential Asbestos-Related Trust Claims against FBS. The Liquidating Trustee of the Liquidating Trust shall implement and administer the CVP in accordance with the Trust Agreement.

The purpose of the Liquidating Trust is to provide meaningful compensation to asbestos victims for whom FBS would have been a principal source of tort system recovery, all in accordance with the CVP.

Support email:
Toll free #: 855-809-3344

Mail: Fraser’s Boiler Liquidating Trust, c/o Verus, LLC
P.O. Box 6535,
Princeton, NJ 08540